February Funk

February Funk

Hey Friends, how do you feel about the month of February? Have you ever heard anyone say, “I absolutely love the month of February”? I personally think that February is Mother Nature’s worst practical joke ever! And maybe that is what is contributing...
Epiphany Week

Epiphany Week

One of my favorite thoughts to reflect on this time of year is from Fulton Sheen, who said that it should be no surprise that the magi returned home by another route, for no one comes to Christand goes back the same way!I absolutely love this thought. Perhaps this...
Unboxing God

Unboxing God

For me, one of the upsides of this past year has been more time to pray, read, journal, and meditate. An over-riding spiritual theme that has been coursing through these practices has been an awakening to how small I and, I dare say, most of us have made The Divine...