Mindful Living
It’s important to take time to reflect – and I take some of that time here. Feel free to read about what I’ve been learning, and share your thoughts with me, too!
Reflections on Living Fully Alive
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Easter Joy
May You Live Fully Alive In Easter Joyfulness!First of all, thank you so much for your participation in our Lenten Yoga Series and in Holy Week Holy Yoga. Your faithfulness to Jesus, your yoga practice, and to Fully Alive Yoga, is a great support to me and a witness...
Lenten Yoga Series, Week Five: Being Content During Lent
Being Content During Lent Keep your lives free from the love of moneyand be content with what you have. Hebrews 13:5 In the traditional yoga sacred writings we find the spiritual guidelines called the NIYAMAS. One of these niyamas is SANTOSHA- the art of contentment,...
Lenten Yoga Series, Week Five: Compassion, Pity, Mercy
So during Lent we practice three spiritual disciplines; prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Being curious about and struggling to relate to the word “alms”, I did a little research. The word alms comes from the Greek word eleemosyne, which means “compassion or pity,” and...
Lenten Yoga Series, Week Four: Compassion & Mercy
Compassion, Pity, Mercy Last year during Lent we traveled to NYC to celebrate my birthday with my son. Sometimes you have to dig deep in that sea of humanity to find something to smile about. But one afternoon while riding the subway I witnessed the most tender...
Lenten Yoga Series, Week Three: I Went Hiking With Jesus and Oh, My….
I Went Hiking With Jesus and Oh, My.... Let's go on a hike... During Lent we are called to grow closer to God through fasting, almsgiving and prayer. Of course, there are many, many ways that we can pray, that we can commune with God. One of those ways is to read and...
Lenten Yoga Series, Week Two: The Desert
In Sunday’s gospel, Mark says simply, “The Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert and he remained in the desert for forty days.” Have you been to a desert? We have family in Tucson, so I am familiar with the desert in that area. Let me share my observations about this...
Lenten Yoga, Week One: Desiring What God Desires for Me
Our Christian yoga season began last week on Ash Wednesday. For many of us this journey toward spiritual growth may have started with the tradition of having a cross of ashes placed on our forehead and hearing the words “Repent and believe in the gospel”. The ashes...
Doubting Thomas
Lessons I Have Learned From Doubting Thomas I can really relate to the apostle Thomas. Doubting, questioning, wondering; these are all things that I have become comfortable with as my faith journey has matured. Questions and doubts used to scare me. But no more. I...
A New Road Traveled
One of my favorite thoughts to reflect on this time of year is from Fulton Sheen, who said that it should be no surprise that the magi returned home by another route, for no one comes to Christand goes back the same way! I absolutely love this thought. Perhaps this...
Please Unroll Me
All of our lives have been impacted in many ways by the pandemic, there's just no doubt about it. I have watched over the past two years as many of you treasured tribe members have gone in other directions with your yoga practice and your free time, taking different...
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