The Love of Christ Made Visible

by | Jun 28, 2022 | Devotion, Newsletter Archives | 0 comments

We’ve all been saddened by the pictures coming out of Ukraine and perhaps felt helpless, asking how can we possibly make a difference in the suffering of our brothers and sisters whose lives have been permanently changed by the senseless Russian invasion? The humanity crisis is so big and we may feel so small in comparison. Well, someone in our tribe has lovingly “reached through the fence” and pulled a family out. And I want you to know all about it because it will make you believe in the goodness of people!

Saturday morning tribe member Donna Oshea was donating to the cause from afar but feeling as though donating was just not enough. Her heart was moved by all she saw and read and she felt as though there was more that she and her husband Terry could do. Their hearts were open to the idea of serving in a bigger way and so an opportunity walked right through that opening! Donna and Terry welcomed a Ukrainian family into their home on Saturday and, thanks to them, a homeless Ukrainian woman and her two sons will feel the arms of Jesus wrapped around them.

I asked Donna if I could share her story because this is an opportunity for all of us to be of help, to support her in this calling and to stand with her as the Body of Christ. What can we do?

Well, we can help to feed them. One of the boys is an 18 year old who was a ranked as one of the top swimmers in Ukraine. He is in training here and you know what his caloric intake must be like! Gift cards for groceries would be most appreciated. Also, Donna is driving him to and from practices at Wright State so she is filling her gas tank more frequently. Gas cards would also be helpful. Do you know anyone in the admissions department at UC or Miami University? They are working on securing a swimming scholarship to one of these local universities and need help in this area. Keeping the family busy and preoccupied is another challenge. Is there a local event that you could invite them to attend?

The Body of Christ can make a real difference in our world. Here is Donna’s contact information should you be willing to support her and Terry as they make this monumental sacrifice to be “Jesus with skin on”.

Donna Oshea
391 Roselake Dr. Centerville 45458

Who do you know that might be willing to help?
Please share this post with them! 


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