Please Unroll Me

by | Sep 5, 2022 | Devotion, Newsletter Archives | 0 comments

All of our lives have been impacted in many ways by the pandemic, there’s just no doubt about it.  I have watched over the past two years as many of you treasured tribe members have gone in other directions with your yoga practice and your free time, taking different paths and making different choices. Like much of the fallout from this global event, it has been hard for me to accept. Life has changed. Fully Alive Yoga has changed.

Just being totally honest here with you all.  

So, all this to say, today’s newsletter is a gentle nudge to remind you of how much you used to love to think of your yoga mat as a sanctuary. Of how much you used to love to come to it to breathe, stretch, pray, and find Jesus. How you would connect with the Giver of your breath and the Creator of your entire being while you practiced to the sounds of worship music. How your body and your spirit were stretched and formed in new ways.

Walking this journey alone is not what we as followers of Christ are meant to do. We are meant to be together in community, to breathe, to stretch, to pray as members of the Body of Christ. 

So, come back. Pick up your mat and come back. No shame, no guilt, no questions. Just come back.  Live again, breathe again, stretch again, pray again. 

See you soon.

With much longing,


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