Fully Alive Yoga
WORK OUT. WORK IN. A FULLY ALIVE YOGA practice is an invitation to breathe, stretch, and pray. I like to think of it as more than just a work out, but a work in. Through the use of devotions, music, meditation, breath, and movement you will have the opportunity to create internal stillness and a space for the presence of The Divine.
Fully Alive Yoga is for everybody and for every body. No matter your level of yoga expertise, first time or seasoned, you are encouraged to honor your personal needs. No matter what your beliefs, we hope you will feel welcomed and at peace here. It’s all good and it’s all amazingly holy. Join us as we BREATHE, STRETCH, and PRAY.
MY YOGA STORY Fully Alive Yoga was born out of a desire to deepen my prayer life and to connect my prayer to movement. I had been teaching in the fitness industry for many years but was longing for a deeper connection – a way to unite my body and spirit. One day, for the first time since college, I landed on a yoga mat. Immediately I knew that a new journey was taking shape in front of me. I am grateful to have found Yahweh Yoga, a yoga school in Arizona where Christians who practice yoga gather to learn to teach the ages-old practice. I chose FULLY ALIVE YOGA as the name of my studio based on John 10:10, where Jesus says that he came to bring us a big, full, abundant, juicy life! Well, not those exact words, but you get the idea.
Meet Sherri
Sherri has over 35 years of experience as a group exercise instructor, teaching classes such as strength training, aerobics, step, and water workout. She is also certified as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher and a Yahweh Yoga Teacher with the Yoga Alliance. She believes that although an exercise class should be challenging, it should also be fun, and should leave you feeling refreshed mentally as well as physically. Through her teaching of yoga as a follower of Christ, she offers the opportunity to extend that refreshment to our spirits, bringing a body, mind, and spirit connection to the practice.

As a couple, we find our yoga practice as a pleasure, health benefit, stress releaser, and a spiritual experience that we share together. The atmosphere of nature, music, and spiritual thoughts starts our weekend off on an amazing, low key, uplifting, happy, morning event!
We went for a private couples yoga session on the deck and it was heavenly. We want to do it again.
Thanks, Sherri.
FullyAlive Yoga is a welcoming place to lay your burdens before Christ and give glory to Him through the physical, bodily practices of yoga. It is a place to renew your mind, body, and build your faith in Christ. For when we bring our weaknesses to Him, we are strong.

The FULLY ALIVE YOGA home studio is a beautiful space tucked into the trees over a creek. As weather permits we practice outside on the deck amidst the beauty of creation. We also have a fully equipped indoor space that looks out into the woods where we take our practice for the cooler months. This is where we host our Gentle Yoga practice on Saturdays at 9 am. At 7 pm on Mondays we take FAY out into the community with a practice that incorporates a bit more movement, called Stretch and Flow. It is located at Christ United Methodist Church in Kettering.
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